OK, a little history here so you can appreciate where I've come from. When we were first married I really didn't want a TV in the main part of the house. In fact we only had the little 18" TV in our guest room that I had brought from my apartment. Well after a couple years of marriage Dan talked me into a 32" TV and so we bought the entertainment center and up went the TV in the living room. I must admit we had pretty fun super bowl parties etc. but I still didn't want the TV to be the focal point.
Flash forward 13 years later and lots of lessons learned in our marriage. Lesson #1 you do need a TV in the main part of the house if you are going to have super bowl parties or Survivor night with friends. People don't want to huddle on the bed in the guest room it's just awkward. ;) Lesson #2 when your old TV breaks after 11 years and you give your husband free reign to upgrade, upgrade he will. Hence the 52" TV now mounted on our fireplace in our great room. I will admit although not out loud that it is pretty fun to watch and Little Bill looks even cuter in High Definition. ;) Oh but I still have my other foot down about the fact that we will NEVER have cable in our bedroom. That room is for two things, I'll let you figure that one out. :)
Morgan: "Mama, you know what?"
Me: "No what?"
Morgan: "You know I value my life right?"
Me: "OK, I would hope so........."
Morgan: "But just so you know if the leader of China came to me right now and said that if he could take my life but in return he would let any pastor or missionary that wanted to freely come into the country and openly teach about God, I would let him kill me. Cause mama, I know where I'm going so it would be OK but allot of people in China need to hear about Jesus."
Me:"Oh Morgan that's what makes you Morgan."
I was pretty much speechless after that. At 9 she is thinking of giving her life for others and half the time I can't even slow down to help a homeless person. Thank you Morgan.
Ryanne: "Mama, my room is clean and my chores done, can you go check it?"
Me: "Ryanne, you weren't in there very long I don't think there is any way your room is clean."
Ryanne: "I swear it is, go check pleeeaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeee."
Me: (walking to entrance of room and seeing a huge mess still) "Uummm, negative this is NOT clean, you need to get back in here and finish the job pleeaaaaaaaaassssseeeee!"
Ryanne:"Daaaddddddyyyyy! Tell mom to stop calling me negative all the time!"
Gotta love her! :) We were rolling on the floor laughing.
OK and confession time but only because I was blackmailed. My friend who I won't mention any names (Stacy) said she was going to take a picture of me in Hawaii and bust me so I better confess before we go. I went to Palm Springs last week and tried on tons of bathing suites and can I just say that (and I'm serious here) I look like Mrs. Potato head in a one piece. Not attractive at all! I have such a short torso it all just BLOBS together. I tried on lots of tankinis as well and they always fit in the chest area but are to big around the rib cage so blaaaahhhhhh! So all this to say I did buy a two piece top. There I said it! I know, I know I'm a horrible parent. I promise it covers the girls though does that count? Now I know what you are thinking; I don't value your opinions since taking the survey but I do really I do I just value not looking like someones baked potato more. ;)
Me: "No what?"
Morgan: "You know I value my life right?"
Me: "OK, I would hope so........."
Morgan: "But just so you know if the leader of China came to me right now and said that if he could take my life but in return he would let any pastor or missionary that wanted to freely come into the country and openly teach about God, I would let him kill me. Cause mama, I know where I'm going so it would be OK but allot of people in China need to hear about Jesus."
Me:"Oh Morgan that's what makes you Morgan."
I was pretty much speechless after that. At 9 she is thinking of giving her life for others and half the time I can't even slow down to help a homeless person. Thank you Morgan.
Me: "Ryanne, you weren't in there very long I don't think there is any way your room is clean."
Ryanne: "I swear it is, go check pleeeaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeee."
Me: (walking to entrance of room and seeing a huge mess still) "Uummm, negative this is NOT clean, you need to get back in here and finish the job pleeaaaaaaaaassssseeeee!"
Ryanne:"Daaaddddddyyyyy! Tell mom to stop calling me negative all the time!"
Gotta love her! :) We were rolling on the floor laughing.
OK and confession time but only because I was blackmailed. My friend who I won't mention any names (Stacy) said she was going to take a picture of me in Hawaii and bust me so I better confess before we go. I went to Palm Springs last week and tried on tons of bathing suites and can I just say that (and I'm serious here) I look like Mrs. Potato head in a one piece. Not attractive at all! I have such a short torso it all just BLOBS together. I tried on lots of tankinis as well and they always fit in the chest area but are to big around the rib cage so blaaaahhhhhh! So all this to say I did buy a two piece top. There I said it! I know, I know I'm a horrible parent. I promise it covers the girls though does that count? Now I know what you are thinking; I don't value your opinions since taking the survey but I do really I do I just value not looking like someones baked potato more. ;)