Sometimes life is so crazy you cry at the drop of a hat, it really just is sometimes.
Sometimes your puppy uses the hallway as a bathroom instead of going outside cause it's snowing, they just do sometimes.
Sometimes your husband is so busy working, studying, testing, getting stuck on fires and training that you just don't get much time together and the time you get is well........."strained" at best, it just is sometimes.
Sometimes you are walking through the neighborhood with your 6 year old and they yell at the neighbor down the road that she is old and you in turn want to crawl into a hole and, sometimes you just do.
Sometimes you sit with your 6 year old for over an hour explaining why she is writing an apology note and hand delivering it to the neighbor she was rude to, sometimes you just do.
Sometimes you fight a cold for 2 weeks, loose your voice and feel sorry for yourself cause well, sometimes you have to.
Sometimes you hold your tongue to no end because your 10 year old is so sassy and moody you want to scream and tape their eyeballs down in the right position as apposed to rolling around in her head, sometimes you just do.
Sometimes you take your dog to the vet in the pouring rain and it throws up all over the car and then it bites the vet drawing blood because he grabs her to throw her up on the table after being warned that she is scared and nervous, sometimes that is just what happens.
Sometimes you say "yes" to sharing your marriage testimony on a video for church and then can't sleep for days cause well, you are sharing your marriage "junk" on a video for church. But sometimes you just do.
Sometimes your great Dane comes running down the hallway and knocks you over to the floor and you lay there trying to decide if it's better to just lay there and feel sorry for yourself, because you just do.
Then sometimes you take a deep breath pushing through all the colds, stress and crazy's and keep on moving. You just do.