Every year Dan's aunt, uncle, cousins, their kids (from his moms side) get together for what is known as the Harker-Popp cousins Christmas party. Or is it Popp-Harker? ;) Anyways, it was at our house this year and so with great excitement Dan & the girls and myself got the house all ready. We ordered our tamales, made some yummy side dishes, cleaned out our closets for the white elephant gift exchange & put on the Christmas music. We always have fun hanging out with everyone and Dan & decided last night watching all the kids grow up together is the best part. Morgan & Ryanne LOVE thier cousins!!
Ryanne is smiling here but what she is really thinking is,"I LOVE COUSIN MIKE CAUSE HE"S LETTING ME EAT AS MUCH CANDY AS I WANT!" Thanks Mike!
Here are Nicole, Morgan & Malerie spending time together. I can remember when Morgan was a baby at this party and they would lug her everywhere. Now she just wants to hang out and play with the older kids. Cute. :)
Every year we line up the kids by height & take a picture so we can see them all grow. Tyler got to be in the front this year. Ryanne was very pleased to not by the shortest cousin. :) The twins are due in March so we cant wait to have them join the photo next year. Yay!!
In order we have Malerie,Nicole, Claire, Morgan, Ryanne & Tyler. (Nicole I think Claire is passing you up!) You might have to switch spots.
The adults do it every year but I dont think we are growing anymore. Now we just look back and can see how much older and tired we look! ugh.........maybe we should just let the kids do this. :) And yes as you can see the universe is somehow not right because Dan is all the way at the tall end and I am all the way at the short end..........HELLO!! The worst part is when we all start shrinking I am not even going to show up in the picture anymore! ;)
This year we took one with all the kids in front of thier parents. Suzanne is still hiding hers in her belly! Sadly missing but still loved and thought of were Andrew and Kate. Don't think you can avoid "the photo" for long guys! Also missing were Dan's mom Betty cause she was sick and Aunt Jerri & Uncle Andy were behind the camera taking all the pictures! Thanks guys for coming to our home and making this another great cousins party. We love you to pieces. Oh and by the way, whichever one of you hid your unwanted cheesy white elephant gifts in our bed and bathroom we will hunt you down and find you and they will be returned to the rightful owner. I hate to mention names "mike & vicki" Merry Christmas!
What fun...and what a great idea to line up the cousins like that. I may have to borrow that neat idea! Have a BLESSED holiday, Christy!
You crack me up Christy... the part about you shrinking right out of the picture... haha. This is the first year in a while that we didn't order tamles, I totally forgot :( oh well. I've eaten plenty of other junk.
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