Happy New Year Everyone! Last year my fellow blogger Christy P. decided to come up with a word for the year that she was going to live by instead of a resolution. I liked her idea so much I did the same thing last year. I chose BALANCE. I thinking back over my year and thinking about my life and if I was able to find some kind of balance. Say no more often, but say YES to the really great stuff. Let things, people, situations go that I cannot control. Allowing God to be God and do his job as apposed to me stressing over the little things or even the big things really. Sleeping lots, eating well, exercising, reading the word every morning and letting Gods love and grace sink in to my heart and flow into my actions. Ya' I think balance was the perfect word for me last year.
This year as the clock was ticking away towards midnight I started to think of what word I wanted and how I could honor God in my decision. I chose worship which is funny cause our worship pastor taught on Sunday about that very word and it really ministered to my heart and confirmed my decision. Worship is so much more than singing praise songs on Sunday mornings or even praying with our kids. Worship is NOT about us but about God. It is to be our outward reaction to what he is done inwardly in our lives. Think about that. If random people you come in contact were to describe your behavior would it be a reflection of Gods grace and mercy? His love and care for you? I desire this next year to be one where my outward response to people and to the Lord is one that reflects what a mighty and powerful God I serve. Capable of doing anything, and changing anyone.....................even me. :) I will attach a few photos below of our last few weeks. Sorry I have been a bit flaky with the blogging; we have had some sickness and other things going on here on top of the holiday craziness. :)
What a great word of the year... I love it :) I love the idea of us living our lives being an act of worship to the Lord in everything we do. What a great goal to have in mind every day.... it encompasses SO MUCH.
Love your word. You have not been a bad blogger...I HAVE. Gosh. I am hoping to blog today at some point.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I'm glad you have been posting a little less, really almost every blog I read has been a little slow. It makes me not feel quite so bad. It has been a whole month since I have blogged. I hope to get on it today or at least before Monday.
I love that idea and hate resolutions! What a great word and choice too! I love balance too, that really sums up what so many people put in resoutions anyway!
I love keeping up with you through your blog and can't wait to see how you work on this throughout the year!
Hope everyone is feeling better!
I LOVE this idea, I'm going to have to think and pray on this one for myself! Thank you for all your words of wisdom and insight, you inspire me, in so many ways, dear friend!
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