We had a really good weekend. Saturday am I went to Ontario with my friend Sarah for a couple hours to do a music survey for 90.1 and they paid us $75 in cash when we were done. Fun! Then kind of at the last minute we decided to head out of town for the night. After looking at our calendar next week (funeral, my surgery etc.) we thought it might be a good idea to get away to Lake Arrowhead for the night with the girls. No computers, cells didn't work in most places and no TV so it was great.
Dan was all mad because our girls are not really "snow people." They have been playing and swimming in the ocean since they could sit up and so they tend to be water people. They love being in flip flops, shorts and dragging a boogie board behind them. Dan got all up in arms that he grew up in Lake Arrowhead and his girls should be able to sled full speed down the hill with no concern what so ever. Then as he was FLYING down the hill saying something about how he should have raised them in the mountains I caught this shot. As you can imagine it DID NOT end well. He told me to go next and I said,"ya' that would go over well. Hey Doctor while you are frying my uterus could you put my arm back on and fix my back?" No thank you!
This is my new FAVORITE picture. Nothing fancy, I am not as talented with the photography as the rest of you bloggers out there, I just loved that when I put the camera on them they did this. I know they are mine so I have to say this but oh man are they cute!!!! Love them!
Hope your weekend was blessed and you spent time with your family.
Hope your weekend was blessed and you spent time with your family.
That is a very cute picture of the girls :) I'm so glad you could get away and enjoy some family time.
oh and it was a wise choice not to follow Dan's advice to sled down that hill... you are a smart woman ;)
That is a great picture! They are so darn cute, and they don't have to be mine to say it!
What a nice treat to get away for a night, good for all of you!
Dan and I would call you girls "flatlanders". Ask him he'll agree with me.
I love that picture of the girls. Ryanne has such a soft spirit and Morgan is so vibrant. Cute kidos.
VERY cute picture. I think it captures who they are very well.
We had a very busy weekend but we raised $2500 toward the purchase of a well in Uganda.
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