Well today was the day. Our first day of school. It was the first time I would have BOTH girls home for school. I would love to tell you all ran smooth, we started at 9am sharp with no bumps in the road and the girls were perfect angels but that would mean you weren't reading MY blog. ;) Nope, instead my curriculum didn't come in time so I had to peace meal subjects together. The service light on my air bags on my car came on and they could only get us in at the dealer TODAY. Ryanne threw a royal fit complete with screaming and throwing herself on the ground when I told her it was time to start school. See evidence below.
I REFUSE TO LEARN!!!!! I will say once I started going over the rules and rewards end of completing a good day with mom and sister she perked right up and finished strong.
This is what 3d grade looks like when you home school with Calvert. We L-O-V-E this curriculum and though it takes up lots of our school funding cause its expensive it is very organized and down to the day on where my kiddos should be in each subject. Now I have lots of friends who don't use structured day to day curriculum like we do but I am kinda paranoid about jacking my kids up or not teaching them the right thing at the right time so this works best for me. :) Oh where are the days when all I had to do was teach them to hold a spoon or drink from a sipper cup. *sigh*
This is what Kindergarten looks like at our house.
Take it from a former teacher....good curriculum is a VERY good thing :) Your classroom looks so cute! I'm sure you are a great teacher :)
looks like our school days.. lots of books and recesses with Daddy... couldn't be better :-)
I am just grinning from ear to ear... with your awesomeness to do not only good, but your BEST, with and for your children... for seeing Mr. Principal on the ground with his pupils being an awesome Daddy (oops, I mean principal)... with your cute schoolroom... with your daughter and her head on the desk... EVERYTHING... you guys are so great and real and I love you.
All I can say is you are one brave momma. I know that unless there was a major disaster I would never make a good home school mom. I would do it if "I had too!" but let's hope it does not come to that. :) Thanks for sharing and I look forward to hearing all the stories. Great job Teacher/momma.
LOVE the post. I can't wait to read more about your adventures in homeschooling both girls. They are such blessed girls to have a mommy like you. XOXOXOX
Okay, my favorite line is "I'm afraid I'm going to jack my kids up". You kill me!!!! (And btw, I need structure too, I'm not good without it).
So wonderful that the kiddos get to have daddy with them on his days off :)!
If I were homeschooling I would have to have a totally structured curiculum too. You are awesome. A bigger woman than me as I am too afraid to delve into the world of homeschooling. I WILL jack my kids up. THANK GOD we have an AWESOME charter school in our neighborhood to send them to.
Love you and praying for you friend!
You are awesome! Cute classroom and count the girls attacking each other as PE.... or socialization since everyone thinks that homeschooled kids lack socialization. Thats is NOT what I believe but I have heard so many people quetion my friends who homeschool.
well actually we have a GREAT charter in our neighborhood too but Dan & I prayed about it and just feel really strongly that we are to educate them at home and make the most of the time we have with them by traveling, etc. Oh and mommy of 4, thanks for the words of encouragement as well; I never thought as counting wrestle mania as PE but will get right on that. :)If our kids were any more "socialized" I think they would have to have thier own cars and cell phones already to keep up. ;)
calvert? whats a calvert?
Your classroom is set up so well! You should be a proud momma!! I love that principal daddy stopped by. hee heee!
You are so wonderful and encouraging - thanks for thinking of me! I'm doing well (body is as screwed up as ever, but the heart is doing just fine), and so far the school year is going alright. They are really tiring me out this year, but I think it will be a good year. No one has cried on their desk yet(including me!), so I count that as a victory!
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