
Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Psalm 127:1

Friday, June 11, 2010

It's That Time............

I'm not sure how we got to this point in our kids lives so quickly but sure enough we are here. Here as in at the Orthodontist. Morgan has started the process of braces, Before she could get the actual braces on she had to have a high rack put in for about 8 weeks to widen her mouth some. She has teeth coming in at all directions on top of each other and more. Poor kid. I never had braces and I have a bit of a "other people's mouth" phobia so for me to have to adjust this thing twice a day for two weeks? *ugh* The things you do as a mom. But then again I had major snot and vomit issues before kids as well and now I just clean up and move on. OK maybe a little gagging along the way.
We figured after Morgan's day at the dentist this sort of thing called for facials...................
OK really I think she just wanted to look like the HULK! :)
Have a great weekend.


Rhonda said...


Crystal said...

Uhh I echo Rhonda. You like need a warning for the queasy stomached there ;). xo

Jeff and Aimee said...

Delaney had one of those a few years back. It widened her palette and spread her teeth out so much that she had a Sponge-Bob smile. Take lots of pics 'cause it won't last long.