
Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Psalm 127:1

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This N' That............

On Friday we had our home school trip to the LA County Fair. So much fun. Ryanne was in school so it was just me, Morgan and my Aunt went with us as well. We had so much fun walking around petting all the animals and Morgan even milked a goat. She is convinced she is going to live on a farm when she gets bigger. :) Here is a really sweet picture of her little hand petting a new chick. Then early Saturday morning Morgan had a swim meet. She did really well beating two of her times. She did her 25m freestyle in 23seconds! Whew-hew! She got DQ'd on her breaststroke because and I quote,"mom, I got this crazy left leg that does weird stuff sometimes!" he,heee! So cute. :)
Here is a picture of her warming up. I have given up on trying to catch her in the middle of her race cause I don't want to be looking through my camera and miss the 23 seconds of excitement. It's over so fast and I can't cheer, jump up and down AND take a clear picture. :)
Right after Morgan's meet we bolted down to Long Beach so Dan could get ready for his race on Sunday AM. It was two REALLY early mornings in a row. Yaaaawwwwwnnnnn! Welcome to race season I guess. Dan has another one this coming weekend and I am trying to figure out how I can get out of going. :) I just want to sleep past 5am for ONE weekend. You can see in the photo below we are starting to look tore up!! Dan did do great shaving a few minutes off his time from last year.
On to my Ryanne. You know I always have great stories of my little tornado for you. As you know Ryanne has started pre-k. We knew that since she just turned 4 this might be a little bit hard for her to adjust but we had faith that she could focus and get the job done. :) We have discovered something about our little pistol and that is she is all smiles and happy as long as nobody is trying to set boundaries for her. Apparently the "free spirit" in her doesn't like to be fenced in. ;) So with two weeks of school under her belt she has been in trouble twice with two card changes. Ugh!!!!Now in case you have not caught on to our parenting tactics we tend to be pretty strict and consistent. I know we fall short in lots of areas but being consistent seems to be both Dan & my strong points. Ryanne however thinks she is stronger than both of us and so she is trying to re-invent the wheel. After she got a RED card change last Friday we decided to make her life a bit hard this weekend. See photo below.
We took away cartoons, friends, and special treats. We told her when she went back to school on Monday she could start by apologizing to her teacher and then if she didn't' get a card change she could pick something to have back. She was so mad at us. Did I say UGH already in this post? UGH! She made it through Monday without a card change and chose to have her special snacks and treats back. If she gets through Wed. without any trouble then she can pick to have friends or cartoons back. We are quickly seeing where her priority's lie. ;) Food, TV, then friends. he,heee! Man oh man I know we are supposed to embrace the season we are in with our kids but God if you could just give me a little, tiny glimpse into the future and let me see that my kids don't end up in prison then I will gladly smile through this season of card changes, rolling of the eyes and time outs! pleeeeaaasssseeeeeeeeee!!!


Jessica said...

Ryanne just needs to grow up and become a teacher... it's the perfect profession for people like her because you get to boss others around all day :) heehee.

You were up early this weekend! Glad you had fun at the fair.

Eileen said...

Oh Christy... I LOVE your honesty, open heart and GREAT parenting! My Bryan was a challenge, who I couldn't have loved more. One time he became what I called a "privileged-less" person, could watch TV with us, but couldn't decide what we watched or turn it on, couldn't request a meal, couldn't make any decisions about anything. And the funny thing is, I don't remember the infraction!!! Let the good times roll! They are all blessings!

Andrea said...

Jessica is so right!! Why do you think I became a teacher!

Diana said...

Hey... being a teacher is so much more than bossing everyone around! It's a lot of work! But, the bossing around can be a highlight. :)

How are you doing? I hope you have been feeling well!

Erica Young said...

I hate not being able to sleep in on the weekends. Morgan's been doing great on her swimming. Tell her to keep it up. You might see her at the Olympics one day. And Ryanne looks so sad in her picture. I too would choose food over anything else, he hee.

I hope you're feeling ok and I've been drinking plenty of OJ since I'm not a real big fan of cranberry juice.

Sarah said...

at least she has her looks!!! HEHEHEHE

christy p said...

Ohhh the dreaded card change. Had one of those last week too. I think you are right....our two lil one's could be twins. I can't believe you got up at 5 am...Hope you get to sleep in soon.


Jolene Grace said...

I don't know if I should laugh at the Ryanne incident, or cry at the probability my son will have that "individuality" that causes Ryanne to act out. You guys are AWESOME parents, BRAVO on your consistency! I'll be praying for you guys!

Jolene Grace said...

P.S. - I soo miss sleeping in. I guess I can expect to lack sleep for the next 18 years or so. Ooo...something to look forward to!

Yvonne said...

Oh...I haven't visited blogs lately and I am so sad I have missed all that your family is doing. I love the girls the Lord has given you and how different they are! How wonderful, in a challenging sort of way at the moment! You are great parents!