
Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Psalm 127:1

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'll Take My Teeth To Go Please.....

Ryanne was next door last night eating dinner and playing. I expected her to come home with maybe left over food in a bag but her teeth? hmmmmmm.....
"Mom, I was wrestling with Caleb and he slammed me down and out popped my tooth! So we put it in a bag, here you go!"
I got to thinking that Dan will not need to load his shot gun and scare the boys away when Ryanne is a teenager because seriously, who's gonna mess with a girl who brings her teeth home in a Zip Lock bag? And she was proud about the fact that it got knocked out.
My mom text me and said she see's roller derby in Ry's future. *Sigh*

(Disclaimer: Ryanne's teeth are not normally brown; she was eating dry cereal with chocolate chips on top. Whaaaattttt?)


Jeff and Aimee said...

Girls who are this tough usually aren't as pretty as she is. She's breaking the stereotypes for sure and soon she'll be breaking boys' hearts. :)

Brigitte said...

Hmmm...yes, but you know a lot can happen in a few years. She might just amaze you. :)

Hertha Gearin said...

Ha ha, she's a real tough lass, so kudos to her! Bringing in those teeth in a Zip Lock bag is pretty cool. Did you guys send it to the tooth fairy? XD